Pause: an homage to Venn.
I tell you what, between trail running and my boy's sage teachings, who needs books to learn, really? That beautiful journey gave me far more than a longed-for victory, but a few beautiful reminders of just why I started challenging myself 'out there'. It's so very much more than running, and man alive, did I need that right now. Venn, Venn, at work again. >>> There are times when you have no choice but to sit down in the deluge. Don’t stay too long or you’ll freeze. >>> When your inner fire starts to fizzle, sometimes there are people around who can rescue you, but more often you need to find a way to keep yourself warm despite the odds. On these occasions, order means nothing. Get yourself up, grab your things, and get moving. Never stop until you thaw. >>> Forgive yourself for the poor choices you’ve made. Celebrate yourself. Pat yourself on the back. Literally. Often. >>> Always stop and do the thing; see to yourself when you nee...